Craniofacial Team

Which of the team members you see at your visit will depend on your particular needs.

It may not be necessary for you or your child to meet everyone. However, it is important that you have access to the support and specialist care that you and your child may need.

Mr. Steve Wall – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Mr. David Johnson – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Mr Steven Wall and Mr David Johnson are consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Their role is to assess how craniofacial problems are affecting the growth of a patient’s skull and face and how surgery might help here. Mr Wall is Clinical Director of the craniofacial team.

Mrs. Sue Greenwood – Children’s Nurse Specialist Ms. Kate Burden – Senior Ward Nurse

Our specialist nurses, Sue Greenwood (Children’s Clinical Nurse Specialist) and Kate Burden (Associate Children’s Clinical Nurse Specialist). Their role is to guide families through the Outpatient process and through any hospital admissions, working alongside the nursing staff on the children’s wards. They also liaise closely with local health visitors and community nursing teams to ensure the best all-round care for our patients. They are available to discuss any queries you may have prior to your first visit or at any stage after that. Please feel free to ring them any time on 01865 231003

Mr. Jay JayaMohan – Paediatric Neurosurgery Mr. Peter Richards – Paediatric Neurosursery

Mr Peter Richards and Mr Jay Jayamohan are consultant paediatric neurosurgeons. Their special area of interest is the nervous system, particularly the brain. Many of the conditions that we treat in the Unit are associated with problems in these areas, especially where there is restriction in the growth of the skull.

Dr. Jane Hurst – Clinical Genetics Professor Andrew Wilkie

Professor Andrew Wilkie and Dr Jane Hurst are consultant clinical geneticists. Some craniofacial conditions are caused by an alteration in one of the genetic instructions. The clinical genetics team provides advice on diagnosis, on the implications as regards having further children, and on the availability of genetic tests for the conditions involved.

Ms. Carrie Luscombe – Speech and Language Therapist Zoe Gordon

Zoe Gordon and Carrie Luscombe, our speech and language therapists, assess all aspects of speech, language and communication. Zoe and Carrie monitor development in these areas and can provide support where necessary. Their role also includes providing assessment and advice on difficulties with feeding and swallowing. Zoe and Carrie liaise closely with local speech and language therapy services to ensure patients receive comprehensive care.

Dr. Jo Byren – Clinical Liaison

Dr Jo Byren is our Clinical Liaison Officer. Her role is to help organize appointments and tests and to ensure that patients and their families and all those involved with their care are kept up to date with treatment plans.

Miss Mary McKnight Mr Nad Saeed

Many of the conditions treated by the craniofacial team can affect the growth of the face and teeth. The members of the team who look after this aspect are Mr Nad Saeed, consultant maxillofacial surgeon, who specializes in the care of the face and jaw, and Miss Mary McKnight, consultant orthodontist, whose expertise is in the area of growth of the teeth and jaws. If we think you or your child needs help with these aspects, you will be specially assessed by these team-members, usually at a separate clinic held in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics.

Miss Rachel Wells Claire MacIntosh

Most of the patients who come to the Craniofacial Unit have their eyes assessed by the craniofacial orthoptist, who will check vision, assess how well the eyes work together (i.e. detect any squint) and whether the eye muscles are working normally. The orthoptists working with the craniofacial team are Mrs Claire MacIntosh and Miss Rachel Wells. One of the ophthalmologists working with the team, Miss Sue Hague or Mr John Elston, may perform a more detailed examination of the eyes. The orthoptists will also liaise with local services where appropriate.

Dr. Louise Dalton Dr Paula Wilson

Dr Louise Dalton and Dr Paula Wilson, are clinical psychologists. The role of the clinical psychologist is to offer support to patients and their families at whatever age or stage of treatment it may be needed. They can offer time to discuss concerns about development, behaviour, and self-image, and about how problems in these areas may be affecting life in the family, in the wider social world, and at school.

Dr. Russell Evans – Paediatric Anaesthesia Dr Sumit Das

Dr Russell Evans and Dr Sumit Das are consultant paediatric anaesthetists. Their role is to perform the anaesthetic induction for children undergoing craniofacial surgery. They will meet the parents before the operation to explain how the anaesthetic is administered and make plans for post-operative pain relief.

Helen Williams

Helen Williams is the Craniofacial Unit Co-ordinator. Her role is to work closely with all the professionals and nursing staff involved with the Unit. She makes sure administrative support is provided and that the service runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Lindsey Hillis & Margaret Clark

Lindsey Hillis and Margaret Clarke are the administrative staff in the craniofacial office. When you call, you will reach one of them, and they will be pleased to assist you with your enquiries.
Of course, there are many other staff within the hospital who work with the Craniofacial Unit, including ward staff, theatre staff, x-ray staff, receptionists, porters, cleaners and dieticians to name a few, without whom we could not offer you and your child the care they receive.